3.2 Board Setup for Intel Galileo Gen 2

This section shows four steps to set up an Intel Galileo Gen2 for running WuKong.

Step 1. Linux Image Preparation: To prepare a bootable microSD card with the Linux environment.

Step 2. Board Assembly: To assemble the Intel Galileo board.

Step 3. Board Configuration: To setup a password for Intel Edison so that we can use ssh command to access Intel Edison.

Step 4. Python Tool Installation: To install required Python libraries for WuKong.

Step 5. Download WuKong Source Code: To clone the WuKong source code from GitHub to the Galileo board.

  • Step 2. Board Assembly

    According to the Intel official IoT website, the required hardware includes:

    • Intel Galileo Gen 2,
    • A SD card (>2GB),
    • 6 pin Serial to Type A USB cable (e.g. FTDI cable # TTL-232R-3V3)
    • a 7-15V DC power supply rated at least 1500mA.
    • (Optional) WiFi adaptor (e.g. Intel® Centrino® Wireless-N 135 or Intel® Centrino® Advanced –N 6205).

    Once the hardware is prepared, please follow the lower part of the following website to assemble an Intel Galileo Gen 2 board:

    After assembling the Intel Galileo Gen2 board, please see the following website to set up the serial communication with the board:

  • Step 4. Python Tool Installation

    • Copy the following instructions to /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf

      src/gz all http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/all
      src/gz edison http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/edison (?edison?)
      src/gz core2-32 http://repo.opkg.net/edison/repo/core2-32
    • Install pip and other tools

      opkg update  
      opkg install python-pip   
      pip install twisted  
      pip install python-cjson  
      pip install gevent  
      opkg install sqlite3   
      pip install netifaces  
      opkg install git

  • Step 5. Download WuKong Source Code

    • Clone the source code and download to your preferred working directory on the IoT board.

      git clone -b release0.4 http://github.com/wukong-m2m/wukong-darjeeling